Author: Mily

Cats with a healthy weight are happier, more agile, and tend to live longer. Obesity, often considered 20% or more above normal body weight, is the most common nutritional disorder in domestic cats, and in many cases, it is preventable! Why Is a Healthy Weight Important for Your Cat? Obesity leads to a decrease in quality of life. Overweight cats tend to have less physical interaction with their family members and are often less energetic, less playful, and more lethargic. They may also be at increased risk of a variety of serious health problems, including the following. Arthritis (weight gain…

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Fruit is indeed one of the greatest creations of the Creator. Watermelons, apples, bananas, oranges, as they talk, the saliva will flow down. When we are enjoying delicious fruit, the dogs around us always cast longing eyes.So can the dog eat fruit in the end, what fruit is suitable for dogs to eat, let’s take a look!  blueberryBlueberries are definitely the best fruit for dogs to eat, not one of them. Blueberries are rich in vitamins, a small amount of fiber and a lot of antioxidants, that is, anthocyanins, which are definitely a rare good thing for dogs. In many high-end…

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In the process of raising dogs, we must pay more attention to observing the situation of dogs in order to find abnormalities in time. For example, when feeding, you may find that the dog’s teeth have become loose, which is very different from usual. What should I do if I find that my dog’s teeth are loose?  Dogs are born without teeth, grow to three to five weeks old to grow deciduous teeth together, and then as they grow slowly, the deciduous teeth will slowly fall out and the permanent teeth will slowly grow out. Therefore, during the teeth change period…

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Proper nutrition is essential for all dogs, and choosing the right food can be a daunting task. In addition to the hundreds of commercial dog food brands to choose from, you’ll also need to decide whether you want to feed your dog dry or wet food. Many dog owners choose dry food because it is cheap and convenient. However, more and more owners are starting to feed wet food because of its potential health benefits. This article will explore the advantages of feeding wet food over dry food. Pros of Feeding Wet Food to Dogs There are several reasons why…

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According to studies, 1 in 3 cats and 1 in 10 dogs only suffer from kidney disease. In particular, cats and dogs that are elderly often affect the quality of life because of kidney disease.  What is kidney disease?The kidneys are responsible for the vital function of filtering and removing waste products from the body. When some reason causes these important functions to be poor, kidney disease occurs. Symptoms, detection and prevention of kidney disease in pet cats and dogs In general, kidney disease is divided into two categories: 1. Acute kidney injury – a sharp decline in kidney function2. Chronic kidney disease -…

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We can’t judge the cat with full attack attributes, and the cat with full appearance, body shape and combat effectiveness must be a black-footed cat. Do you know the black-footed cat? How much do you know? Today, I would like to share with you the world’s smallest and smallest cat with explosive combat power – the black-footed cat. The black-footed cat, mainly distributed in the semi-desert area of Africa, is one of the smallest cats, with an average weight of only 1.6Kg, its shape is like a full moon kitten, with large round eyes and curved ears, and the coat…

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Can dogs eat gummy bears? You might ask this question because your dog got into your treats drawer. Humans can eat gummy bears, so are gummy bears safe for dogs too?The short answer is no, gummy bears are not safe for dogs. These candies contain a lot of sugar, which is not good for your pup. In addition, sugar-free breeds are actually dangerous for your dog to consume.If your dog has eaten this chewy treat, you should contact your veterinarian for guidance. Why gummy bears are bad for dogs?Gummies bears are basically made from two ingredients: gelatin and sugar. Gelatin is…

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Teaching your dog to “talk”, or bark at command, is fun and useful: a fun trick to show to family and friends, as well as to fend off intruders. While excessive barking can be a big problem, teaching speaking and quiet commands with focus and consistency can both enhance your dog’s natural instincts and allow you to stop your dog from barking when needed. Different dog trainers and owners have different techniques, but the basic methods explained below apply to many dogs. Before You Begin To start training, you’ll need some small but tasty dog treats or your dog’s favorite…

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There are many kinds of symptoms of cat stress response, not only will there be strange movements and affect appetite, etc., but also will lead to low immune function of cats, germs will take advantage of the deficiency, which in turn will lead to cats more susceptible to illness, how to appease cats with stress reactions?  Start by finding out what causes the cat to experience stress. Long-distance transportation has a greater impact on cats, mainly because cats suffer from more irritations, such as odor irritation, road bumps and motion sickness, etc., let the cat stay in their familiar air box…

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After starting a cat, shovelers can learn many new skills, most of whom will start to learn to grow cat grass, whether they can stick to it or not, but many cat families have appeared in cat grass pots. Why plant cat grass for cats?  Cats lick their own hair every day, and if there are multiple cats in the family, they also like to lick each other’s hair, and in the process of licking, the cat will swallow some hair.These hairs cannot be digested by the cat, can only be spit out or discharged, and those hairs that are not…

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