Author: Mily

Cats are known to often jump on counters, bite wires, and scratch household items that shouldn’t be scratched. Fortunately, it is possible to change a cat’s behavior by rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior. However, because you don’t want to ruin your relationship with your cat or hurt them, it’s important to know the right way to train your cat. Here are the dos and don’ts for properly training your cat. Don’t Compare Your Cat to a Dog Cats are not like dogs, so you shouldn’t expect them to behave like dogs or interact with you like dogs. They…

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Caring dog owners want to take good care of their dogs. You love your dog and you want it to be healthy and happy. Follow some basic dog health guidelines to help your dog stay healthy. Professional Veterinary Care High-quality veterinary care lays the foundation for your dog’s overall health. The first thing to do is to find a trustworthy veterinarian and visit him regularly. Veterinarians should perform routine health check-ups at least once a year. All dogs need to be vaccinated and given heartworm prophylaxis. Most dogs should also take flea and tick prophylaxis. Talk to your veterinarian about…

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Some dogs are picky eaters all year round. Some people are picky eaters only in the summer. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean your dog is dieting to prepare their beach body. Some dogs are not so hungry at all in hot weather for a number of reasons. This is usually a very normal phenomenon.‍Why your dog might eat less Decreased activity levelsMany dogs tend to be less active during the summer months. Many dog owners are aware of heat stroke, or burning paw pads on concrete, so they shorten their activity and play time. People also usually walk their dogs…

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 If the cat is younger, they need to be vaccinated three times to complete the vaccination, and after all the infectious disease vaccines, they must first observe the condition of the cat to make sure that they are not unwell because of the vaccine. Can the kitten just get a bath after being vaccinated? Only healthy cats can bathe, and remember to choose the right temperature. If the ambient temperature is relatively low when the cat is bathed, it will be more likely to catch a cold, so keep the temperature in a warm and comfortable range.  Be sure to use a…

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Protecting your pet from rabies infection is simple and affordable.Learn about the rabies vaccine and its importance. Rabies is a serious but preventable disease. It is important to understand what rabies is and how to protect yourself and your pet.What is rabies and how did my pet get infected?Rabies is a zoonotic virus. It can be spread through the saliva of raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. Keep this in mind when you walk at night or near areas with outdoor litter. With just one bite, rabies can be transmitted from animals to humans.Why should I vaccinate my pet?Rabies: Fatal without…

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Sneezing is quite common in cats, but in most cases, cats are because of discomfort only one hit is over, and sneezing all the time is a warning to the health of cats, to prevent the disease from worsening in time. What are the causes of sneezing in cats?  If a cat’s nose is infected with rhinitis, or if the nose accidentally enters a relatively small foreign body, it will cause the cat to sneeze continuously. When cats are infected with viral rhinotracheitis, they also sneeze frequently.If you can’t find the reason for the cat sneezing and they keep doing so,…

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There are many types of aggression in dogs, but perhaps none is more worrisome than aggression directed at humans. Man-made attacks can be extremely dangerous, not only for people who may be injured, but also for dogs that may be put down as a result of aggressive behavior.While genetics play a role in a dog’s aggressive tendencies, the environment also has a lot to do with it. The best way to combat aggressive problems is to make your dog social from a young age. However, when we bring dogs home, we don’t always have to choose their age, especially when we…

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 Olive oil is a staple in many people’s diets. It is everywhere in the kitchen pantry. Then Can dogs also eat olive oil?Of course, dogs can eat olive oil. But there are many things to consider when deciding to add olive oil to your puppy’s diet. While there are many benefits to giving it to your dog, you need to take precautions.As always, always consult your veterinarian before adding, removing, or replacing anything in your dog’s diet to make sure it doesn’t harm their health. Here’s what you should know about feeding olive oil to dogs. What are the benefits of…

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If you are allergic to cat hair but like cats very much, then your choice must be only Sphinx cats, whose smooth body makes you a “cat family” from now on! However, the difference between a Sphinx cat is not only hairless, but also some precautions with other kittens, how much do you know about this?  1. No hair does not mean not dirtyIt is well known that cats sleep on the ground 2/3 of the time of the day, and Sphinx cats are no exception. In general, cats secrete oil to nourish hair, but this oil is superfluous for Sphinx…

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